Then the preach must be followed strictly. Swami Ram Swarup: PRARABHADH AND SANCHIT KARMA can be burnt by the method that one must try to listen the preach of Vedas daily or as more as possible. Tiwari: Can prarabdh and the griha karam be changed by performing atishaya jaap? Swami Ram Swarup: KASTURI, KESAR, AGAR-TAGAR, CHANDAN, JATAMANSI, ELAYCHI, JAYFAL, JAVITRI, GOOGAL, NAGARMOTHA, BALCHHAD, SUGANDHBALA, DALCHINI, JAU, GILOYA, CHUARA, BADAM, AKHROT, BANAKSHA, GUD, AND KISHMISH.Ī. Would you please mention names of these herbs/or provide me in reply email? Naveen: You have mentioned 21 herbs for havan to get best results. Vedas state worship only one formless Almighty, omnipresent God who has unlimited qualities and creates, nurses and destroy the universe. Swami Ram Swarup: Such sthapana etc., is not mentioned in Vedas Nikita: What is the significance of ghat sthapana in navaratre and what is the procedure for it? One has to listen Vedas, must do daily havan, must be always be in contact with learned Acharya and must do hard practice of Ashtang yoga for the purpose. Jatindar Paul:Is there a easier way to Sunn Samadhi?
#Guru miley julawanhari radha soami shabad full#
Your hard working with full concentration and devotion will sure do the needful, please. Yes one must listen Ved mantras and do havan daily. Swami Ram Swarup: Mantras, tantras are nothing. Premanidhi Panda: Do tantra and mantra help in success? One should perform only havan daily with Ved mantras.ĭr. Swami Ram Swarup: To repair the house in any paksh or to do any pious deeds is not wrong please. Tara Ramjit: Is repairing house during pitri pask wrong? It has concern with pious deeds according to Vedas, shastras, holy books and moksh is attained while a Yogi is alive and not during death or after death. Swami Ram Swarup: No please, moksh has no concern with any paksh. Vedas state worship only one formless Almighty, omnipresent God who has unlimited qualities and creates, nurses and destroy the universe.Ītul Dighe: Do People Dying During Pitr Paksh are freed from the cycle of Birth and Death and attain Moksh?

As regards Rudra Abhishek Pooja it is not mentioned in Vedas please. Swami Ram Swarup: In Vedas Rudra word is used for God, soul and air as also mentioned in Rig-Veda mantra 1/ 43/1.
#Guru miley julawanhari radha soami shabad how to#
Pooja” is all about? How to perform this pooja? Deepika: I would like to know what “Rudra Abhishek